Removed (Banned)Apr 4, 2022Liked by Don Ford
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deletedFeb 22, 2022Liked by Don Ford
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This was very well-explained and I learned a lot. Thanks for using the graphs and simple language to communicate the nefarious effects of Covid. No... it's not the flu.

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Thank you for this.

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by Don Ford

Well done! A summary everyone should read, but mostly won't. My morbid curiosity (and a link from a well known and respected epidemiologist) led me here. I persisted to the bitter end (only truly bitter in that the truth itself is bitter)-- but the use of varying font sizes, emboldened phrases, and one-sentence paragraph zingers will turn many readers away before they finish and ingest all these excellent and documented insights. Your page needs to look more like a Vox article and less like a manifesto. Everything you have written is incredibly important, rarely communicated, and should be shared widely, so I hope my purely constructive criticism might help you gain a wider audience. Thank you!

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Excellent article Don! Thank you.

This is a compelling summary of why public health will be absolutely destroyed if we continue down this ridiculous and deadly path of normalizing and celebrating chronic reinfections as a means to super immunity and herd immunity.

I am sharing this with my network right now.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Don Ford

First off, thanks for the article. I have linked it to a few other people, and I'm not here to downplay anything, but I will have to look more into the sources.

One thing that warrants criticism in my opinion though is something regarding the picture after "But only after melting into a cell that has the ability to create that specific damage." which you've pulled from the video you linked as source.

According to the source video, the picture shows red blood cells that should deform when passing through capillaries, but aren't due to auto-antibody induced stiffness, which leads to restricted blood flow to e.g. the eyes (which is what they tested), and the brain because the blood cells just don't fit any more. The researches were able to reduce stiffness and thereby increase blood flow to affected tissues by introducing a drug called BC007, which targets and neutralizes the responsible antibodies.

Your phrasing makes it sound as though these were syncytia, which, according to the source, they're not. I think it would be worthwhile to rework this section.

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So it's all covid's fault? Nothing to do with the gene altering vaccines? And we can't live with it? And you are selling treatments. Got it.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Don Ford

Best layman summary I have seen so far for the disease. I understand Japan has had a nasal spray vaccine in trials almost a year, but I've lost track of it's progress due to the fog of language. Also Cuba has been developing a nasal spray vaccine in development, but again, in this case it's the fog of politics/boycotts which makes it hard for me to track. Hope you can have better luck than I.

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

i'm going to be the dissenting opinion here and say this is written terribly, both for supposed "smart" people, and the "not smart" ones you say don't read (don't read doesn't necessarily mean can't read, you know). it is just vague enough to sound like you're talking bullshit without informing and also just specific enough in oddball areas to make it seem like you also want to impress "smart" people that you aren't just talking out of your arsehole. it's obvious you're trying to serve too many different kinds of readers without serving any very well.

there's so many asides, tangents and whatever that the person who lacks time is not going to read this either. also, it's about five times too long.

perhaps next time try NOT assuming that the person who doesn't read is an idiot. and no, i'm not one of them.

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Hey Don, what do you think of Dr Patterson's research on long covid saying lingering s1 protein is causing it and treatment options with immunomodulators + statins

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Thank you so much for this! I have shared with people who are a. important to me & b. because I really want them to understand what I've been screaming into the wind for quite some time! I am a brewery/restaurant owner and have continued to keep the inside of my restaurant closed! I am at moral and financial crossroads but I value the health of my staff, guests and friends more than $$. The only thing keeping us going is that we have a large outdoor beer garden. I live in Missouri, so the winter months have been brutal and every restaurant nearby has opened to full capacity inside. It terrifies me to no end. Your information absolutely helps me in sticking to my guns related to mitigation of risk/exposure/ and the need (at all cost) to avoid re-exposure. I could go on, but you have a dedicated follower in me and I look forward to (with some dread ;( ..) to more information from you.

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I like this article but dude who are you? Why was your old twitter account suspended and what is your background, if you're just a lay person like me that's fine but it would help your credibility if you shared anything.

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Don Ford

As a cancer survivor from the mid-noughties, I am curious about the increasing reports that are seeming to implicate a dose of COVID with the increased appearance of new cancers in general and specifically, 'rare' cancers. The appearance of rare cancers, to my mind, means a person' specifically programmed 'Killer T-Cells' are failing on their job. Probably due to depleted numbers and not having been replaced. Is your reading coming across these reports as well ... ??

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Don Ford

Nassim Taleb on twitter has basically said taking vitamin D supplements is a bunch of BS, I still take them because it cant hurt/might help, but I lack the expertise to know whether he is correct or not. Could be that the studies he analyzed to debunk Vit D were just poorly conducted or something. Anecdote- the elderly man and his wife that I cared for likely got covid around christmas 2019-January 2020 and he passed away in February. He was severely ill but his wife (both 90 years old) barely got the sniffles. She uses CBD for her glaucoma and an inhaler (Budesonide I think) for asthma. I wonder if those two things made a big difference in her good outcome. CBD potential is a good excuse to get stoned all the time anyway. Lord knows I need it these days. Thanks for writing the article. I will try to get my family to read it. They are 100% in the ''its mild'' mindset unfortunately...propaganda works. (The Akira reference was a good choice btw)

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I read the article carefully, then I tried to find out more about you. It isn't clear what your education and/or experience regarding infectious diseases/pandemics are. I note a comment below requesting that information but didn't see it directly addressed. My go-to person has been Rob Wallace, who wrote "Big Farms Make Big Flu" and "Dead Epidemiologists - On the Origins of COVID-19."

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